Reading alone does not make us leaders. But it is a place to begin the conversation.

Living in a Real-Time World

Living in a Real-Time World

As the real-time world emerges around us, we are reminded that human conversation is essential for our success and that anything is possible when we work together. This collection of wisdom explores six innate conversational capabilities we can cultivate to navigate uncertainty and learn what we need to know—when we need to know it. A worthwhile read for anyone interested in understanding what is happening today, preparing for an uncertain future, and living in a positive relationship with change.

Serene Ambition in a Real-Time World

Serene Ambition in a Real-Time World

The changes rocking the world these days are anything but predictable. What if you could be centered and calm, at peace and serene with all that is happening? What if you could also, at the same time, imagine ambitious possibilities, make new commitments, and collaborate with other people—older and younger—to create a world that you would want to leave to future generations? This compilation of Jim Selman’s reflections on living and growing in our real-time world will inspire you to rethink how you relate to yourself, others, your circumstances, time and the mystery of life.


This collection of original essays takes a rigorous look at who we need to be as leaders in the midst of unprecedented change. Selman views leadership as a linguistic phenomenon and an ongoing process of transformation based in personal commitment and responsibility. In this concise primer, he explores the three tasks of leaders: 1) observing the linguistic interpretations which limit our thinking, our possibilities and our choices; 2) creating problems that deserve to be solved; and 3) inventing new futures for our organizations, our communities, and our world.

Available in ENGLISH on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)

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Available in SPANISH on Amazon (paperback)

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Leadership in Action for Young People

This easy-to-follow, illustrated conversation explores questions like these and reveals the basic qualities of a leader. Readers of all ages learn three fundamental lessons of leadership from co-authors Selman and Shahinian. First, changing how we speak and listen in daily conversations gives us the possibility of changing our perspective. Second, we can be whomever and however we choose to be. And third, we can then ask themselves which actions are missing from our lives that will enable us to achieve our commitments.

Available on Amazon (paperback)

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The Blue Pearl: Getting the Most From Coaching

An intimate look into the heart of coaching that will help you realize the possibility you are. Sixteen personal stories offer rare glimpses into what’s possible through an empowering coaching relationship. Follow masterful coaches and their clients as they design, partner, and explore together. Discover what they bring to co-creating remarkable coaching relationships and use their reflections as a mirror into your own practices.

Available on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)

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